
Sophie Gulliver (Rushton) attended Feilding High from 2004 and 2008. She was a gifted student and gained Scholarship with Outstanding Performance in English.

Her writing skills are showcased in her blog attached to her business venture  .This is a business which deserves to succeed, in my view. Guilt-free desserts. Woo-hoo!


What if dessert could be a “thank you” to our bodies?

Our typical dessert experience may not currently feel this way… How many times have we experienced that guilty pang in our gut when indulging in something we know is delicious but not nutritious? How many times have we retreated to bed, the couch or the floor in bittersweet, bloated remorse? Yes. Dessert happens. But it doesn’t have to feel this way.

There is a revolution – a cake revolution. It’s here in Palmerston North – and YOU can be part of it! Dessert that packs a nutritional punch, keeps your blood sugar balanced and blisses out your tastebuds. Sound too good to be true? Let’s take a closer look…

Eaten Alive desserts are packed with raw, activated nuts (soaked for eight hours & dehydrated for 24 hours), seeds, organic virgin coconut oil & cacao butter, pure tahitian vanilla extract, superfood powders, fruits & hidden vegetables. We don’t use refined flours or sugars, artificial colours or flavours, or preservatives. Why are these ingredients so important? Well, apart from supplying a huge array of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and essential fatty acids, these ingredients are metabolised differently to refined, processed ingredients. Our bodies know what to do with real food. The high fibre and protein content of our cakes is vital for preventing the all too familiar post-pudding “food coma”. These nutrients buffer the release of the natural sugars into our blood stream, providing us with lasting energy.

We use only natural, mostly wholefood sweeteners, such as dates, a touch of coconut sugar and organic stevia. Refined sugar is a tastebud desensitiser. Switch to natural, unrefined sugars and your buds will begin to wake up! There might be a short transition phase, but you’ll notice a fuller appreciation for a beautiful juicy orange, or cold crisp apple. Fruit is natures candy which is why we use it in our cakes.

As we embark on this journey, we invite you to join us… Let’s see what cake can do. Changing the world, one cake at a time…