An Open Letter To President Donald Trump

I’m Alexa Bishop-Matthews and I attended FAHS Feilding High School from 2013 until 2017. As I write this, I’m preparing to embark on a new adventure at Victoria University where I will be studying English Literature, French and German. This column was written over a period of a few days when I was hit with a bout of rage that will become evident as you read, though it later contributed to an Excellence grade in my Level 3 English Portfolio. I hope you enjoy it.


I heard all about your travel ban: for countries that don’t fit your rigid business plan. Your “extreme vetting” of Iran, Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Libya, Yemen and Somalia has been described by some as a “Muslim ban”. Which is a rather logical connection to make considering the aforementioned are the seven biggest Muslim countries in the world. If that were true and this is a restriction based on religion, this order is in violation of the First Amendment of the Declaration of Independence. Within which it states that the government cannot officially favour or disfavour any religion, you wouldn’t be acting as if you’re actually above the law now, would you? I have a major problem here, and it started with the announcement of this ban. How can you decide who cannot and who can legally cross your borders? You’re the President now, not a businessman.

With three and a half years in front and only six months behind you, you’ve somehow already managed to upset “the currency manipulator” known as China; repealed the only health care act that supported low income families; and attempted to sue those who exposed you for the explosive liar you are and have proven to be time and time again. It’s really no surprise that your Twitter has been rampant with past accusations coming to light as new, self-contradictory statements are published daily. Now I, like most people, took your campaign as a joke – surely you’re just giving the SNL cast ammo for their skits, rather than actually running for President. Alas, the Electoral College would seemingly rather allow a racist, xenophobic, bigot to rule over one of the most influential countries in the world than a woman. Nevertheless, this is not about your opponent and it just so happens that, in my opinion, neither you nor Hillary Clinton was best suited for the position.

Still, it does worry me that while your voters may not be racist, xenophobic, bigots themselves, the fact remains: they still voted for one. They voted for the man who said he would “Make America Great Again” – yet, I am also not alone when I say that America was never great to begin with. There have been a few achievements in recent times, the election of Barack Obama for example or the legalisation of gay marriage. But, for a country that pioneered the oppression of the Native Americans; the enslavement of the African people; carried out forced deportations when we all know who’s really illegal; and gave summer camps to the Japanese: who needs internships when you have internments? Is it really a shock that so many people – the majority of the US actually – disagree with you and your politics? I hope you can make America great, truly I do. On the other hand, “Make America Great Again” involves an adverb that forces me to question your judgement. As your carving digs so deep and divides through every state, and you’re just filling up hearts with fear as a result of hate.

Although, when you’re President of the United States, maybe it becomes easier to appear better than those who are inferior to you. It takes nothing more than the flick of a switch to bomb citizens of Syria in the hopes that you will somehow destroy ISIS – is the collateral damage that comes with this tactic justifiable? Do you realise that by using chemical weapons against Syria you have done little else than poison children not much different from your own? How can we blame you? Your son Eric has claimed the decision to attack in the Middle East was swayed by a “heartbroken” Ivanka. This is just a little something to consider, I don’t recall anyone voting for Ivanka’s heart to dictate US Foreign Policy. However, even if we ignore that for now, you’re still doing exactly what ISIS wants: they have infiltrated these areas in an attempt to dismantle them, and you’re only speeding that process up.

Maybe that doesn’t bother you after all, how much do you truly care about the children of your own country in the end, excluding Ivanka and her heart? Tell me, what would happen if Syria decided to bomb your country, to do unto you what you have done unto them? To put you in your place after you left the residents of Flint without fresh water or allowed gassing of Native Americans at Standing Rock? You were right though, when you said “there has never been a presidency that has done so much in such a short period of time,” in this case, corrections could be made to this quote so it specifically references the damage you have caused. How far will you go, rather how long will it take you to “Make America Great Again”? I feel a sense of foreboding that we are in for a very long, very destructive wait.

I don’t know how you’re going to remedy this and do what you set out to do. But, for whatever my opinion is worth, I do think it should start with you accepting that you may not be the one for this job, not as your predecessors were, at least. To be quite honest, you have as much experience in this area as the majority of the citizens of the US (eliminating the last six months, of course). The difference is, only one of you is trying to pretend that they are knowledgeable enough to do it well and Donald, your facade is failing you – rapidly. People are losing trust, rightly so I might add, and it’s up to you to regain the support of your nation and the people in it. Whether or not you do, the consequences lie with you – there’s no one else to blame now. No more Crooked Hillary with her emails, nor any Lyin’ Ted with his Zodiac Killer accusations. It’s time for you to be held accountable.

In spite of all of this, unfortunate though it undoubtedly is, I am aware that this letter won’t change your thoughts – in the end we’re more likely to see your tax reports.
